Tolong jadikan kalimat indirect Task. 1 Modify the sentences below into their indirect forms. 1. Mr. James says to Mona, “I will let you leave”. 2. Marissa tells Danny, “I cannot believe in you anymore.” 3. Lucy asks Sean, “Are you going to let him die?” 4. Will asks Wanda, “What have you done to my brother?” 5. Aron tells Veronica, “Get out of my face now.” 6. Carl tells Clara, “Don’t draw your sword.” Dateline pliisss..Diseetakan alasan

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Tolong jadikan kalimat indirect Task. 1 Modify the sentences below into their indirect forms. 1. Mr. James says to Mona, “I will let you leave”. 2. Marissa tells Danny, “I cannot believe in you anymore.” 3. Lucy asks Sean, “Are you going to let him die?” 4. Will asks Wanda, “What have you done to my brother?” 5. Aron tells Veronica, “Get out of my face now.” 6. Carl tells Clara, “Don’t draw your sword.” Dateline pliisss..Diseetakan alasan

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

1. Mr. James tells Mona that he will let her leave.

2. Marissa tells Danny that she cannot believe in him anymore.

3. Lucy asks Sean whether he is going to let him die.

4. Will asks Wanda what she has done to his brother.

5. Aron tells Veronica to get out of his face now.

6. Carls tells Clara not to draw her sword.


1. Tn. James memberi tahu Mona bahwa dia akan membiarkannya pergi.

2. Marissa memberi tahu Danny bahwa dia tidak bisa percaya lagi padanya.

3. Lucy bertanya pada Sean apakah dia akan membiarkannya mati.

4. Will bertanya pada Wanda apa yang telah dia lakukan terhadap saudaranya.

5. Aron menyuruh Veronica untuk pergi dari hadapannya sekarang.

6. Carls memberitahu Clara untuk tidak menghunuskan pedangnya.


Indirect speech merupakan kalimat tidak langsung dari kalimat yang langsung diungkapkan.

Direct speech : He says, "I don't like sushi." => disebut direct speech karena kalimat "I don't like sushi" diucapkan langsung.

Indirect speech : He says that he doesn't like sushi. => disebut indirect speech karena pernyataan "tidak suka sushi" merupakan hasil laporan atau menceritakan ulang dari pernyataan orang lain.

Hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam merubah direct ke indirect speech:

1. Tense harus "mundur" satu, yang artinya jika direct speech dalam tense Simple Present Tense maka indirect speech harus menjadi Simple Past Tense.


He said, "I don't get the assignment given." => He said that he didn't get the assignment given.

2. Jika kalimat yang mendahului melaporkan suatu pernyataan dalam bentuk Present Simple, maka tense tidak berubah.


He says, "I don't like sushi." => He says that he doesn't like sushi.

3. Pemakaian subyek. Karena kalimat tersebut adalah laporan, maka subyek harus berubah.


He says, "I don't like sushi." => He says that he doesn't like sushi.

I berubah menjadi he, sesuai yang mengucapkan kalimat tersebut.

4. Jika kalimat tersebut adalah kalimat perintah, maka cukup menambahkan to (untuk positive command) dan not to (untuk negative command)


She said to me, "fold your jacket." => She said to me to fold my jacket.

She said to me, "don't take any picture of me." => She said to me not to take any picture of her.

5. Untuk menggabungkan kalimat pengantar dan kalimat laporan pada indirect speech, gunakan "that", "whether", atau "if".

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