Tolong jawab aku kasih poin banyak kalo benar kalo main main aku hapus​

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Tolong jawab aku kasih poin banyak kalo benar kalo main main aku hapus​

Tolong jawab aku kasih poin banyak kalo benar kalo main main aku hapus​

I don't know if this is correct, I'm trying my hardest to understand the lyric and questions.

1. Bravery (keberanian)
2. Light (cahaya)
3. Discouraged/dejected (berkecil hati)
4. Inferior (rendah diri), atau mungkin afraid (takut)? Discouraged (berkecil hati)?
5. That they can call (maybe rely or depends on(mengandalkan/percaya)) him/her because he/she will always be there by their side, because they're not alone, he/she will always be there for them
6. Confident (percaya diri)
7.(?) Maybe the question is wrong, it's also number 8's question?
8. Different (berbeda)
9. To convey feelings or emotions (Untuk menyampaikan perasaan atau emosi) (the question is about lyric's function, right?)
10. Anna Kendrick and Justin Timberlake