Tolong jawab cepat . pilihan 1-4 diganti A-D

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Tolong jawab cepat . pilihan 1-4 diganti A-D

Tolong jawab cepat . pilihan 1-4 diganti A-D

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Subject : English

Category : Structure

Level : JHS

Code : 5


1. The baby is drinking milk from the bottle.

"Be" (is) diikuti v-ing jika kalimat aktif dan v₁ jika kalimat pasif.

2. My mother baked a cake for my birthday last year.

Last year adalah time signal untuk past simple (v₂).

3. I bought this pair of shoes for ten dollars.

4. Tommy took a cookie from the jar just now.

Just now adalah time signal untuk past simple (v₂).

5. I dislike being scolded.

Kebiasaan, jadi gunakan present simple (I/you/we/they + v₁).

6. Father snores loudly when he sleeps.

Kebiasaan, jadi gunakan present simple (he/she/it + v-s/es).

7. Casper heard a noise just now.

lihat no 4

8. They often take a walk along the beach.

along = sepanjang

walk along the beach = berjalan menyusuri pantai

9. They are camping in the forest now.

Now adalah time signal untuk present progressive (am/is/are + v-ing).

10. A fly was flying around here just now.

Just now adalah time signal untuk past simple (v). v dari be adalah was/were. A fly tunggal, gunakan was.

1. C

2. D

3. C

4. B

5. C

6. D

7. D

8. D

9. A

10. C

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