Tolong jawab no 1 – 10makasih

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Tolong jawab no 1 - 10makasih

Tolong jawab no 1 – 10makasih

1. C. Lighter

= I can feel that the cotton is much lighter than the stone

(Saya bisa merasakan bahwa kapas lebih ringan dari batu)

2. A. Stronger

= I am stronger than Elang

(Saya lebih kuat daripada Elang)

3. B. Ega’s book has fewer book pages than erlin’s

= halaman buku Ega lebih sedikit daripada milik Erlin

4. C. Eight

= dari kalimat Alline yg kedua

5. D. It was more difficult than the previous one

= dari kalimat yogi yg kedua

6. B. I can’t find my most comfortable jeans

= saya tak bisa temukan jean ternyamanku

7. A. Friendlier (lebih ramah)

= gunakan Comparative Degree, Friendly + ier

8. D. I have as many encyclopedias as Maria

= saya punya encyclopedia sama banyaknya dengan Maria

9. B. Smartest

= He is the smartest in the class

(Dia adalah yg terpandai di kelas)

10. D. More diligent

= his sister is more diligent than him

(Saudara perempuannya lebih rajin daripada dia)


1. Positive Degree ditandai dengan "as" jika ada 2 objek yg sedang dibandingkan.

Rumus Positive Degree:

= As + Adj/Adv + As

(I have as many encyclopedias as Maria)

2. Comparative Degree bermakna lebih dan biasanya selalu ada kata than (daripada)

* adjective + er (lighter, stronger)

* more + adjective (more diligent)

jika berakhiran "y"

= adjctive + ier (friendlier)

3. superlative degree bermakna Paling dan biasanya diawali kata The

* adjective + est (smartest)

* most + adjective (most comfortable)

Jika berakhiran “y” = adjective + iest

======Semoga Membantu======

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Kelas: SMP

Materi: Comparison Degree

Kode Mapel: 5