Tolong jawabkan buat besok

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buatlah kalimat (-),(+),(?)
1.he feeds the animals every day
2.she prepares foods and drinks for the animals every morning
3.they clean the animal's cages every morning
4.they wash the animals every day
5.she takes care of sick animals regularly
6.he regularly repairs the animals cages

Tolong jawabkan buat besok

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Simple Present Tense


1. (+) He feeds the animals every day

   (-) He does not feed the animals every day

   (?) Does he feed the animals every day

2. (+) She prepares foods and drinks for the animals every morning

    (-) She does not prepare foods and drinks for the animals every morning

    (?) Does he prepare foods and drinks for the animals every morning?

3. (+) They clean the animal's cages every morning

    (-) They do not clean the animal's cages every morning

    (?) Do they clean the animal's cages every morning

4. (+) They wash the animals every day

    (-) They do not wash the animals every day

    (?) Do they wash the animals every day

5. (+) She takes care of sick animals regularly

   (-) She does take care of sick animals regularly

   (?) Does she takes care of sick animals regularly

6. (+) He regularly repairs the animals cages

   (-) He does not regularly repair the animals cages

   (?) Does he regularly repair the animals cages?

Berikut arti setiap kalimat agar lebih paham

  1. Dia memberi makan hewan setiap hari
  2. Dia menyiapkan makanan dan minuman untuk hewan setiap pagi
  3. Mereka membersihkan kandang binatang setiap pagi
  4. Mereka mencuci hewan setiap hari
  5. Dia merawat hewan yang sakit secara teratur
  6. Dia secara teratur memperbaiki kandang hewan


Kalimat-kalimat di atas menggunakan pola simple present tense. Berikut penjelasan tentang simple present tense.

Simple present tense is used to express general facts / truths, habits (habitual actions), or events that occur at this time (present). Simple present tense is most often used in English because it is used to express daily activities.

"Simple present tense digunakan untuk menyatakan fakta /kebenaran umum (general truth), kebiasaan (habitual action), atau kejadian yang terjadi pada saat ini (present). Simple present tense paling sering digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris karena digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan sehari-hari"

Keterangan Waktu Simple Pesent Tense:

  • always = selalu
  • every = tiap
  • often = sering
  • usually = biasanya
  • seldom = jarang
  • rarely = jarang- jarang
  • generally = pada umumnya
  • frequently = seringkali
  • sometimes = kadang-kadang
  • ever = pernah
  • never = tak pernah

Cara menambahkan akhiran s atau es pada kata kerja:

  • Akhiran -es ditambahkan pada kata kerja (verb) yang berhuruf akhir -ch (catches), -s (kisses), -sh (brushes), -x (fixes), -z (whizzes)
  • Akhiran -es juga ditambahkan pada kata kerja (veb) yang berhuruf akhir -y yang didahului oleh huruf mati dan akan berubah menjadi -i jika mendapat tambahan akhiran -es tersebut. contoh: study=studies, carry=carries, try=tries.
  • Sedangkan bila -y didahului oleh huruf hidup, maka kerja itu hanya akan mendapat akhiran -s. contoh :pay-pays, say=says
  • Akhiran -es juga ditambahkan khusus bagi kata kerja do dan go. contoh: do=does, go=goes
  • Keterangan Waktu Simple Pesent Tense:


Verbal sentences:  

  • (+) Subject + Verb1 s/es  
  • (-) Subject + do/does + not + Verb1  
  • (?) Do/does + Subject + Verb1?  

Nominal sentence:  

  • (+) Subject + to be (is/am/are) + Object/Complement  
  • (-) Subject + to be (is/am/are) + Object/Complement  
  • (?) To be (is/am/are) +Subject + Object/Complement?  


1.  (+) She does her homework every night before she goes to bed.

  (-) She does not do her homework every night before she goes to bed.

  (?) Does she do her homework every night before she goes to bed?

2. (+) Iqbal goes to his office by bike every morning

   (-) Iqbal does not go to his office by bike every morning

    (?) Does Iqbal go to his office by bike every morning?

3. (+) Arsyla always has breakfast before she goes to school.

   (-) Arsyla does not always have breakfast before she goes to school.

    (?) Does Arsyla always have breakfast before she goes to school?


Materi tentang simple present:

Materi tentang simple present:

Materi tentang simple present:



Kelas : 8  

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris  

Bab : 4

Kode : 8.5.4