Tolong jawabkan soal berikut​

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Tolong jawabkan soal berikut​

Tolong jawabkan soal berikut​


1. How to make

2. Some

3. First

4. Close

5. Then

6. Blend

7. Smooth


Maaf jika ada yang salah. GOOD LUCK!


Calvin: Do you know how to make orange juice?

Willy: sure do you have some oranges

Calvin: Yes,I have some

Willy: first you must peel the oranges

Then put them into the blender

Add some water,ice cubes,and

a little sugar.Close the blender properly, and turn it on

Calvin: how long should I blend them together?

Willy: until the juice is smooth enough to drink

Calvin: Allright thanks.

Semoga membantu 🙂