Tolong kak , bang bantu jawab?? kasih tau mana aja yg berubah?

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Tolong kak , bang bantu jawab?? kasih tau mana aja yg berubah?

Tolong kak , bang bantu jawab?? kasih tau mana aja yg berubah?

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi


Direct speech adalah kata-kata yang diucapkan langsung oleh orang pertama atau pembicara. Dalam penulisannya menggunakan koma dan tanda kutip.

Indirect speech atau reported speech adalah kalimat untuk menceritakan kembali apa yang dikatakan oleh orang pertama atau pembicara.

Ada beberapa aturan yang digunakan dalam merubah direct speech menjadi indirect speech ada beberapa hal :

1. Perubahan tenses.

Untuk kalimat direct yang mengunakan tenses simple present, present perfect atau future tense, maka indirect speech-nya tidak berubah.

Contoh :

Direct speech : Andi says, "The boy is genius."

Indirect speech : Andi says that the boy is genius.

Direct speech : She says,"I don't know."

Indirect speech : She says that she doesn't know.

Direct speech : You say, "I will visit Paris."

Indirect speech : You say that you will visit Paris.

Jika, direct speech-nya dalam past tense, maka tenses-nya akan mengalami perubahan.

contoh :

Direct speech : Andi said, "I wrote a book,"

Indirect speech : Andi said that he had written a book.

Direct speech : They said, "They are taking exercise everyday.

Indirect speech : They said that they were taking exercise yesterday.

Direct speech : Father said, " I was watching TV."

Indirect speech : Father said that he had been watching TV.

Direct speech : Yani said, " I will call you,"

Indirect speech : Yani said that she would call you.

2. Perubahan Pronouns

Orang pertama dalam indirect speech berubah sesuai dengan subyek dalam direct speech, orang kedua  dalam indirect speech berubah sesuai dengan Obyek dari direct speech. Orang ketiga dalam indirect speech tidak mengalami perubahan.

contoh :

Direct speech : He said, "I eat two apples."

Indirect speech : He said that he ate two apples.

Direct speech : She said to me, "I want to borrow you book."

Indirect speech : She said to me that she wanted to borrow my book.

3. Perubahan Waktu

Today ⇒ that day

Tomorrow ⇒ the next day atau the following day

Yesterday ⇒ the day before atau the previous day

Now ⇒ then


  1. Riki Setyanto said, "I registered my daughter for enrollment at state vocational high school SMKN 47 Jakarta, but then she get rejected due to the minimum height policy applied by the state-run school."
  2. One of the parents said that his daughter had been rejected because of her height and then due to technical issues, she couldn't registered at any school. He just wanted her daughter to get into a good school.
  3. Nuraisyah Paransa said, "I am unable to register my son at any state-run high school due to similar technical problems."
  4. Aisyah, another parent said that the second school had rejected her son because he had been accepted through the public admission phase but since her son had not re-register at the first school then he wasn't registered anywhere.

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Untuk belajar lebih lanjut mengenai direct and indirect speech, silakan kunjungi link berikut ini :


Detil Tambahan

Kelas: 12

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris  

Kategori: Direct and Reported Speech

Kode: 12.5.6

Kata kunci: direct speech, indirect speech, reported speech