Taks 6
Mentions the reasons of each statement in the description in taks 5 above
1.The roads are very busy now.
2. In big city there are many traffic
Jams anywhere.
3.The roads are not safe now.
4.There is much air pollution in big
5.There is water shortage in dry
season in many places.
Tolong kak bantu ngerjain,besok dikumpulin:(
Mentions the reasons of each statement in the description in taks 5 above
- Sebutkan alasan-alasannya dari setiap pernyataan dalam deskripsi tugas 5
1.The roads are very busy now.
a. Because there are many vehicles
b. There are many pedestrians
c. There is little discipline on the road but there are very few policemen
Jalanan sangat sibuk sekarang. Alasannya Karena:
- Banyak kendaraan
- Banyak pejalan kaki
- Kedisiplinan yg kurang
2. In big city there are many traffic
Jams anywhere.
- There are many kinds of vehicles (cars, big buses. Minibus, trucks, bicycles, motorcycles and becaks)
- Sometime there are still few carts
macet di kota besar. Alasannya, Karena:
- Banyaknya kendaraan seperti mobil, bus, truk, mobil, motor dan becak
- Kadang2 ada beberapa gerobak
3. The roads are not safe now.
a. There are many people cross the roads but there are many people who drive cars or rides motorcycles very fast
b. There is a little care, so there is very much worry on our roads
Jalanan tidak aman sekarang. Alasannya karena:
- Banyak orang nyebrang jalan tapi banyak pengendara yg melajukan kendaraan secara cepat
- Kurangnya kepedulian
4.There is much air pollution in big
a. There is much smoke from the vehicles
b. There are not many trees
C. Most of areas are occupied by big buildings
Banyak polusi udara di kota besar. Alasannya karena:
- Asap kendaraan
- Tidak adanya pepohonan
- Areanya Kebanyakan gedung tinggi
5.There is water shortage in dry
season in many places.
a. There are not many trees
b. There is too much water during rainy season does not seep into the soil
c. there is a little water in dry season
Kekurangan air di banyak tempat saat musim kemarau. Alasannya karena:
- Tidak banyak pepohonan
- Banyak air saat hujan tapi tak menyerap ke tanah
- Terlalu sedikit air saat kemarau
=== Semoga Membantu ===
Link Terkait
Menjawab berdasarkan teks: brainly.co.id/tugas/23736127
Detail Jawaban
Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
Materi: Reading
Level: JHS
Kode Mapel: 5
Kode Kategorisasi: 7.5