Tolong translate ke b Inggris pake verb 2 dong:v

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kurang ngerti:v

Pada hari Sabtu pagi yang cerah, aku diajak ibuku pergi ke kolam renang. Aku langsung menyiapkan segala perlengkapan, seperti baju ganti dan perlengkapan mandi. Kami pun berangkat sekeluarga ke kolam renang.

Setelah sampai, aku, adikku, dan kakakku langsung ke tempat pembelian tiket untuk masuk dan langsung berenang. Aku dan kakakku berlomba untuk menentukan siapa yang lebih cepat, sedangkan adikku hanya bermain main air saja dengan ayah dan ibuku. Setelah kami lelah bermain air, ibuku mengajak untuk beristirahat dan makan mi instan. Setelah beristirahat, aku dan kakakku mencoba berlomba lagi. Setelah beberapa saat, kami pun mandi dan pulang.​

Tolong translate ke b Inggris pake verb 2 dong:v


On a sunny Saturday morning, my mother took me to the pool. I immediately prepared all the equipment, such as a change of clothes and toiletries. We went as a family to the swimming pool.

After arriving, me, my sister, and my sister went straight to the ticket office to enter and immediately swam. My sister and I competed to determine who was faster, while my sister just played in the water with my mom and dad. After we were tired of playing in the water, my mother asked us to rest and eat instant noodles. After resting, my brother and I tried to race again. After a while, we took a shower and went home.


maaf kalo salah


On a bright Saturday morning, I was brought to a swimming pool by my mother. I prepared all the necessities at once, such as spare clothes and toiletries. We went together to the swimming pool.

Upon arrival, my younger sister, my older sister, and I went to the ticket office to enter the pool and immediately started swimming. I competed with my older sister to see who was faster, while my younger sister played in the water with my parents. As we got tired of playing in the water, my mother told us to rest and eat instant noodles. I competed with my older sister again after resting. Later, we took a shower and went home.


*Verb 2 = Kata kerja bentuk kedua. Digunakan pada tense lampau (past)

Berikut V2 yang ada pada teks.

  • Was brought (dibawa)
  • Prepared (menyiapkan)
  • Went (pergi)
  • Started (mulai)
  • Competed (berlomba)
  • Was
  • Played (bermain)
  • Got tired (lelah)
  • Told (mengatakan)
  • Took a shower (mandi)