Tolong ubahin ke bahasa inggris Past Tense :)

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1.Kami belajar matematika semalam
2.Jonathan menginginkan buku itu kemarin
3.Peter Jones membunuh seekor ular tadi pagi
4.Ibu memasak sop dua hari lalu
5.Saya menonton televisi sema
6.Saya kadang kadang merokok di masa lalu
7.John selalu datang terlambat di masa lampau
8.Ayah hampir tidak pernah minum bir di masa lalu
9.Ibu dan ayah tidak pernah bertengkar di masa lampau
10 .Mr. Pollard sering mengunjungi kami di masa lampau
11.Ayah dahulu biasa minum bir
12.Ibu dahulu biasa memasak
13.Joe dahulu biasa menangis
14.Mary dahulu biasa membaca di perpustakaan
15.Susan dahulu biasa datang terlambat
16.Tom susah semalam
17.Ibu lelah tadi pagi
18.Kami bergembira kemarin
19.Pesta kami sukses semalam
20.Mr. Pollard tidak marah kemarin

Tolong ubahin ke bahasa inggris Past Tense 🙂

Jawab:1. We studied mathematics last night

2. Jonathan wants the book yesterday

3. Peter Jones killed a snake this morning

4. Mother cooked soup two days ago

5. I watch all television

6. I sometimes smoke in the past

7.John always arrives late in the past

8. Dad almost never drank beer in the past

9. Mother and father have never fought in the past

10Mr. Pollard often visited us in the past

11. My father used to drink beer

12. Mother used to cook

13.Joe used to cry

14. Mary used to read in the library

15. Susan used to come late

16.Tom hard last night

17. Mother was tired this morning

18. We were happy yesterday

19. Our party was successful last night

20.Mr. Pollard was not angry yesterday

Semoga membantu:)