Tolong ya isiin Bsk dikumpul
Those queries above are opinion/ personal-based, which can be filled in in any way, including with the target language you have learned. Here's my example
– I have just learned to lure her and teach the effective way to get used to be discipline or I've just learned how to use Instagram
– The activities I like most are analysing football matches and reading.
– The most difficult activities are doing two or three stuff at the same time. (very typical ability for female) and going camping as I'm not practical person.
– What I need to do better is my Spanish skill, the understanding of creating software, business skill etc'
Kelas: SMP
Mapel: English
Kategori: writing an opinion
Kita gabisa bantu ngisi, yang bisa jawab hanya diri kamu sendiri, karena ini (ceritanya) jurnal kamu.
1. I have just learnt to = jawab apa yang sudah kamu pelajari sejauh ini? Misal, i have learnt about verb2, grammar in English, etc.
2. The activities I like most are = aktivitas apa sih yang kamu suka? Misal, I like reading books and studying together with my friends.
3. The most difficult activities are = aktivitas apa sih yang paling sulit menurut kamu? Misal, I don’t like washing dirty clothes and studying math by myself.
4. What I need to do better is/are : apa yang harus kamu perbaiki agar menjadi lebih baik lagi? Misal, I’m bad at English, so I must practice my English more.
Maaf ya kalo misalnya ada grammar yang salah aku jg gak terlalu nguasain bhs. Inggris hhe.