Tolongg yaaaaa hehehe salah satu tasknya juga ggpp

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Tolongg yaaaaa hehehe salah satu tasknya juga ggpp

Tolongg yaaaaa hehehe salah satu tasknya juga ggpp

Tolongg yaaaaa hehehe salah satu tasknya juga ggpp

Task 1

A. things you did yesterday
1. I woke up at 9 AM yesterday
2. I cried because I was late yesterday
3. I forgot to bring my Mathematic book.
4. I called my mother to bring the Mathematic book to school.
5. I went home at 3PM.
6. I played with one of my friend.

B. Things you didn't do yesterday
1. I didn't wake up earlier.
2. I was not happy yesterday.
3. I didn't bring my Mathematic book.
4. I didn't help my mother at home.
5. I didn't go home at 1PM.
6. I didn't play with my sister.