Tolongin dong kk pliss​

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Tolongin dong kk pliss​

Tolongin dong kk pliss​

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Part 1

•"Don't Make your clothes dirty!" (3)

•"Get out of my office!" (5)

•"give me the money!" (1)

•"please have soup Made by your mom" (4)

•"Please don't make any noise" (2)

Part 2

1. She told her sister that she was hungry

2.they tell the teacher that time is over

3.We told them we walked every day

4.They tell us If We take dance classes

5.He Saying that he's sick.

Part 3

1. Michelle told to her mom "Mom, my bicycle has broken."

2.Martha explained to her friend "Blue is my favorite color"

3.My teacher asking to us "We'll practice spelling every day. "

4.the priscipal told the teachers "Please come to school on time. "

5.The student said That"Recess is their favorite time "

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