Tolongin donk buatin pengalaman buruk dalam bahasa inggris

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Tolongin donk buatin pengalaman buruk dalam bahasa inggris

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A few days ago i was on vacation to the beach with my friends. from the house we left early this morning around 5 am with bycicle.

at 6 am i arrived in beach. suddenly rain has come. i was so sad because i not having fun in there. this is my bad experience.

I have bought a small rubber ball in a sport shop. The salesman said it could bounce very well. I decided to test the bounce in my rubber ball. It bounces so well that it went onto the street. I ran quickly after it. The driver saw me but he could not brake the car in time. I was taken to the hospital. I had to stay in a hospital for days. I was better now. I was still in shock though. I realized i should not play ball close to the street like that.