Tolongin plis bgt dapet pahala​

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Tolongin plis bgt dapet pahala​

Tolongin plis bgt dapet pahala​

J. Circle the correct preposition of place.

  • a. Henry put his books his bag.
  • b. The headmaster is standing at the school gate.
  • c. There is a pencil case on the table.
  • d. Students are not allowed to eat in the classroom.
  • e. The teacher writes the question on the blackboard.
  • f. Those fruits are on the tree.

K. Rearrange the words below into correct sentences.

  • a. My books are on the table.
  • b. That new student is from Jakarta.
  • c. We are studying Biology in the laboratory.
  • d. These students can freely use the computers.
  • e. The teacher is standing at the door.

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