Transfer the information from the two texts

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a.Where, when, who, how [text 1 & text 2]
b. Problems [text 1 & text 2]
c. Events in sequence [text 1 & text 2]
d. Resolution (way out) [text 1 & text 2]
e. Lesson learned [text 1 & text 2]

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Transfer the information from the two texts

Transfer the information from the two texts

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Level : SMP kelas 9
Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Text 1
a. To answer "where" we need to find the information about setting of place. The story took place in the wood, particularly in the abandoned cottage.

To answer "when" we need to find the setting of time, but the text 1 do not tell about setting of time.

To answer "Who" we need to identify the characters of the story. They were the little boy, the girl, the king and the witch (the little boy and the girl’ stepmother)

b. The problem rose when the little boy turned into a fawn because he drank water containing witch’ spell.

c. The events :
-The boy and the girl ran away to the wood because of their stepmother treated them so bad.
-The boy drank water, yet he found himself turned into a fawn.
-Both of them decided to live in the abandoned cottage.
-One day the King chased the fawn then followed it. He then found a beautiful and gentle young girl with the fawn. He fall in love and wanted to marry the girl.
-The girl’s tears of the joy that fall on the fawn break down the witch’ spell.
-The fawn changed back into a little boy.

d. Resolution: Finally, The fawn changed back into a little boy, besides his sister married to the king. They lived happily ever after.

e. From the story, we can learn that both kindness and love were never wasted.

Text 2
a. A bit different with the text 1, in the text 2 the autor include both of setting of place and setting of time. The story happened in the evening when there was a terrible storm in the castle.

The characters of the story were the prince, the real princess, the old king and the queen.

b. The problem rose when the prince could not find a real princess, yet one evening there was drenched princess came to the castle.

c. The events :
-The prince could not find a real princess.
– A drenched princess came to the castle, she really need a help.
-The king, the queen and the prince saved her life by letting her to take a rest in the bedroom.
-The princess lied on the twenty mattresses but the queen put a pea on the bottom of the mattresses.
-In the morning the princess complained, she felt there was something hard in the bed.
-The king, the queen and the prince finally knew that she was a real prince since she was really sensitive.

d. Resolution: Finally the prince found a real princess after helping a drenched princess needing a help.

e. From the story, we can learn that to recognize someone we need to see his/her habit.