Saya mendengar bahwa besok kamu akan ulang tahun, saya mohon maaf karena tidak dapat hadir di pesta ulang tahunmu karena saya masih berada di makassar dengan keluargaku. Saya hanya dapat mengucapkan selamat ulang tahun wahai temanku, semoga pertemanan kita masih dapat berlanjut bahkan sampai selamanya.
Your Friend
Taufik Rahman
Translate manual (jangan pake google translate) – JAWABAN TERBAIK
I heard that tomorrow will be your birthday. i am sorry that i cant attend to your birthday party because i am located in makassar with my family right now. I can only say happy birthday my friend, i hope our friendship can lasts forever.
Your Friend
Taufik Rahman
I heard that tomorrow is your birthday, im so sorry i cannot attend your birthday party because im still in Makassar with my family. The only thing i can do is saying happy birthday to you, my friend, i wish our friendship could last forever.
Your friend,
Taufik Rahman.