Translate the sentence into English and change it into

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negative and interrogative form !Example :
Rania akan sedang mencuci bajunya pada pagi hari
(+) Rania will be washing her clothes in the morning
(-) Rania will not be washing her clothes in the morning
(?) Will Rania be washing her clothes in the morning?

1. Ayah akan pergi ke Jakarta besok
2. Kucing itu akan telah memakan makanannya setelah 10 menit
3. Bu Sandra akan memanggilku jika dia butuh bantuan
4. Pak Doni akan telah melihat berita itu ketika kita bertanya padanya
5. Gustaf akan sedang bersantai ketika mereka mengunjunginya​

Translate the sentence into English and change it into

1. Father will go to Jakarta tomorrow

2. The cat will have eaten the food after 10 minutes

3. Mrs. Sandra will call me if she needs help

4. Mr. Doni would have seen the news when we asked him

5. Gustaf will be relaxing when they visit him