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Selamat pagi bapak/ibu yang kami hormati dan juga teman-teman yang kami cintai.
Puji syukur kita ucapkan terima kasih kepada Tuhan karena kita dapat berkumpul lagi disini. Sebelumnya kami sampaikan terima kasih atas waktu dan kesempatan yang diberikan kepada kelompok kami untuk tampil disini untuk memperagakan kondisi seseorang yang terserang penyakit. Untuk mempersingkat waktu, mari kita mulai.
Sekian peragaan dari kelompok kami. Kami menyadari masih banyak kekurangan dari kelompok kami. Oleh karena itu, segala kritik dan saran dari guru dan teman-teman yang membangun akan kami teriama dengan baik.
Sekian dan terima kasih.

Translate to English

Good morning father/mother that we respect and also friends who we love. thank God we thank god because we can get together again here. previosly we would like to thank you for the time and opportunity given to our group to perfom here to condition of a person who became ill. to shorten the time let's get started .
a few demonstrations of our group. therefor, all criticims and suggestions from a teacher and friens we will build our teriama well .
that's all and thank you .
semoga bermanfaat 🙂

Good Morning.. The honorable all of the teacher, and also my beloved friends..
Let's pray our gratitude to God because we can come together in this place. Before we get start, thank you for all the time and opportunity that gaven to our group. We're here will exhibit about the condition if someone get sick. To abbreviate the time, just let's begin..
That's all from our group. We know that so much mistakes come from us. So, all of the critic and suggestion from the teacher or all of my friends will be accepted.. 🙂
Thank you for your attention..