Translete kedalam bahasa inggris.

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Dari terminal saya langsung mencari bis yang bisa membawa saya ke gereja tua. Tempat ini sangat terkenal di negara Macau. Udara sangat mendukung tidak panas tapi sejuk. Aku sangat menikmati pemandangan yang ada di sekitar gereja tua. Saat saya sedang mengambil gambar di tempat itu saya tidak sengaja memfoto seorang pria yang lewat di depan saya. Ternyata dia orang ganteng dari Korea. Tubuhnya tinggi mungkin 180cm, pakai kemejan warna gray, memakai kelana pendak sepatu putih, aku menyukai style nya. Dia terlihat sangat tampan. Setelah saya sadari ternyata dia seorang wisatan dia memiliki gruop dari negara nya. Di saat itu membuat saya sangat terkejut melihat rombongannya, semua tampan. Karena terlalu fokus melihat mereka sampai saya lupa sesaat bahwa saya tidak memiliki waktu banyak, jadi langsung saja saya melanjutkan kegiatan saya.

Translete kedalam bahasa inggris.

From the terminal immediately find a bus can take me to an old church. This place is famous in the macau. It was very supportive, not that sunny but cool. I really enjoy the scenery around an old church. When I was taking pictures in that place I'd shoot a man passing in front of me. It turns out he's a handsome than Korea. His body is high, maybe 180cm, kemejan the color gray, wearing a rover pendak the white, I like style. He looks so handsome. After I realized it turns out he was a wisatan he has gruop of his country. At that time I was very surprised to see his entourage, all handsome. It's too focused to see them until I forget a moment that I don't have much time, so here I go on my appointments.

From the bus terminal I direct finding bus that can bring me into Old Church. this place is very famous in Macau. the weather is very supportive not hot and not too cold either. I'm very enjoying scenery that is in around the Old Church. When I was taking pictures in place I accidentally photographed a man passing in front of me. Turns out he is a handsome man from Korea. his body height may 180 cm, wearing gray color shirt, wearing white shoes and shorts, I liked his style. He looks very handsome. Once I realized it turns out he's a tourist he had group of his country. At the time it made me very surprised to see his entourage, all handsome. Because too focused to see them until I forgot for a moment that I do not have much time, so I just continued my activities.