Ttuliskan 5 kalimat simpe future tense menggunakan going to dan will

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Ttuliskan 5 kalimat simpe future tense menggunakan going to dan will


1. He will close the shop.

2. They will come here tomorrow.

3. We are going to eat.

4. He is going to jump.

5. He is going to sleep.

Penggunaan Will Simple Future Tense
1) She will be happy.
2) She will not be angry
3) I will close the door
4) He will be angry
5) Mom will be love it

Penggunaan Going To Simple Future Tense
1) My mother is going to cook Asian food
2) My parents aren’t going to be the audience
3) I am going to start my guitar lesson next week
4) I think the weather is going to be nice later
5) My father and brother are going to clean the car