Tugas 3

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Roro Jonggrang
Once upon a time, there was a princess named Roro Jonggrang Although her father Prabu Baka
was a cruel man but she was very kind and beautiful
One day, she was proposed by cruel and powerfull man named Bandung Bondowoso. he was
the man who killed her father. She agreed to marry with one condition. She asked him to make
a thousand temples with a thousand Statues in one nigth.
Bandung Bandawasa asked genies and ghost to help him and they did not need a long time
to make it. Roro Jonggrang began to worry when 999 statues were completed. She ordered
Villagers to sound rice grinder as Sign morning was coming. Allgenies went away becauce
they were afraid of sun rays.
Bandung Bandawasa was very angry then he cursed corojonggrang to be thousand Statue
it stays at Prambanan Temples up to now

1. What is the legend ?
2. Did roro jonggrang want to marry bandung bandawasa but with one condition ?
3. how did he build had he made ?
4 . how many temples he made ?
5 . White the past verbs Were mentioned in the text ( at least 5 verbs)​

Tugas 3


  1. Roro Jonggrang
  2. Yes, she did
  3. He asked genies and ghost to help him build it
  4. One thousand
  5. Agreed, Asked, Completed, Ordered, Asked

(Untuk nomor 5, aku nulis 'asked' dua kali karena, ada dua kata-katanya itu. Yang 'She asked him to make a thousand temples with a thousand Statues in one night' dan 'Bandung Bandawasa asked genies and ghost to help him')

semoga : membantu

~ Ray