Tugas bahasa Inggris deskripsi tentang sekolah ku​

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Tugas bahasa Inggris deskripsi tentang sekolah ku​

My School

My school's name is SMA Sukamaju. It has Three Floors. The first floor are the office rooms such as Teacher Room, Principal Room, School Hall, Administration Room, PMR Room, School Yard, Mosque , and also Toilets. We also have a various type of food and drinks ob the Canteen.

The second floor is for practicing something such as Science Research and Computer Research. We are really excited when we research somthing on those labs. We can improve our imaginations and also creativity. In this floor, we also have Pramuka Room, Music Studio, and Library. Our library has many types of books, is also cool and tidy. Sometimes we relax our body on there when the break time coming.

The third floor is containing our classroom. We have total of 24 Classroom. Its named 10A – 12H.

Our teachers are good and professional. They teach us about anything that can make our lives easier. When the bell of study is ringing, all students come back to their class. The class tool are many. We enjoy our learning time. The school started from 06.30 and ended at 13.30.



Hello!! my name is siti (ganti pake nama kamu y). im a student of Smpn 1 bdg (ganti sama nama schoolq kamu y). My school is quite large and clean too. i love my school, it has a big field. my school has a blue theme ( ganti sama warna sekolah kmu). my school is a green school too. we has so many plants here. but there is one problem in my school, there are so many garbage. the students didn't really care about the cleanliness. i hope they will ve more care about it.

btw, kalo sekolah kamu g ada problem sama ke ersihan kamu cukup tulis smpe we has so many plants here.

sorry kli salah dan g panjang