Tugas Leaming 12

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A Complete the following sentences with "a or an Lengkapi kalimat-kalimat berikut dengan "a atau

1. She gives me orange.

2 My brother is going to university 3. I have been waiting for … hour.

4. There is … picture on the wall. 5 …MP3 player is used to play music

B. Complete the following sentences with "How many or How much! 6 children are coming to the class?

7 water do you drink a day ? 8 countries are there in the world?

9 time is left? 10…. hours are the in a day?

C. Complete the following sentences with "There is or There are!"

11. 12 many things in the kitchen. a frying pan on the stove.

13 not homework left to do 14……. an hour left to finish our task

15……..some money in my pocket.

Tugas Leaming 12


1. She gives me an Orange

2. My brother is going to an university

3. I have been waiting for an hour.

4. There is a picture on the wall.

5 A MP3 player is used to play music

6 How many children are coming to the class?

7 How much water do you drink a day ?

8 How many countries are there in the world?

9. How much time is left?

10 How many hours are the in a day?

11. There are many things in the kitchen. a frying pan on the stove.

13 There is not homework left to do

14 There is an hour left to finish our task

15 There are some money in my pocket.