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Nama Sekolah
Tahun Pelajaran
: SMP Negeri 4 Selat
: IX (Sembilan)/ 1 (Ganjil)
: Kamis, 16 Juni 2020
: 2020/2021
Ingat Protokol Kesehatan!
1. Jaga jarak,
2. Jangan lupa pakai masker,
3. Rajin cuci tangan dengan sabun dengan air mengalir.
Observing & asking Questions
Note : T = Teacher
S = Student
T : The winner of the story-telling competition in this class is Lina. Congratulations,
S : Congratulations, Lina.
Lina : Thank you, Ma'am. Thank you, everybody.
T : Lina, because you are the winner of the story-telling competition in this class, you
represent this class for the story telling competition of our school next month.
T : Prepare your best for the competition, will you? I hope you will win the first
too. Good luck
Lina :I hope so too, Ma'am. Yes, I'll do my best.
Edo : Lina, you are a very good story teller. I'm sure you will win the school's story-telling
competition. Good luck.
Lina : Thank you, Edo.
S : Congratulations for being the champion of the class, Lina! I hope you will be the
of the school's competition, too.
Lina : Thanks. I hope so too.
S : Lina, I'm happy for you. Congratulations! I hope you will win the first prize in the
school's competition
Lina : Thank you. Wish me luck
S : Of course. Good luck.
Lina : Thanks.
Udin : Congratulations, Lina. It's your dream to be the winner of the school's story telling
competition isn't it?
Lina : Yes, it's my dream. And I have practiced every day for the last two months with my
Siti : Sure, you have to work hard for your dreams. Good luck.
Lina : Thank you, Siti, Udin, for your support.
Kegiatan Yang Dilakukan Siswa
1. Bacalah dialog diatas Pelan-pelan dan Berulang-ulang.
2. Setelah membaca, dan menyimak secara pelan-pelan tentunya kamu dapat mengetahui orang yang terlibat
dalam dialog itu. Serta pula mengetahui apa yang dikomunikasikan.
1. Dimanakah tempat dialog itu dilakukan?
(Tulis jawabanmu dalam Bahasa Inggris!)
2. Memenangkan lomba apakah Lina?
(Tulis jawabanmu dalam Bahasa Inggris!)
3. Dari dialog diatas, hal apa yang dapat kamu simpulkan?
(Tulis jawabanmu dalam Bahasa Inggris!)​



1. school

2. story telling competition

lina was winning the story telling competition on her class and the teacher need her to reperesent her class for the story telling competition of her school next month