Tuliskan 10 contoh Command

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Tuliskan 10 contoh

1.open the windows please!
2.close the windows,please!
3.turn on the lamp,please!
4.turn offthe lamp,please!
5.don't be noise please!
6.get me a sugar,please!
7.get me my dusgrip,please!
8.turn off the handphone,please!
9.turn on the handphone,please!
10.turn off the tv,please!

My mother commanded me to help her.

Ibuku memerintahku untuk membantunya)
 The teacher ordered the students to do the exercise.
guru memerintah murid-murid mengerjakan latihan)
 I told
you to be quiet.

Saya menyuruhmu diam)

He asked
me to open the window.

Dia memerintahku untuk membuka jendela)

You must
write the lessson.

Kamu harus menulis/ mencatat pelajaran itu)

You must
go home now.

Kamu harus pulang sekarang)
 This table shall be cleaned.
Meja ini hendaknya dibersihkan)

This book shall be read together.

Buku ini hendaknya dibaca bersama-sama)