Tuliskan 10 kalimat yang menjelaskan tentang kegiatan yang akan kalian lakukan dengan menggunakan kata “will”. Will artinya akan ​

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Tuliskan 10 kalimat yang menjelaskan tentang kegiatan yang akan kalian lakukan dengan menggunakan kata “will”. Will artinya akan ​

1. Andi will graduate in June. After that, he will continue his study at University of Indonesia.
2. Ask Sussie to clean the white board. She will do it because today is her turn.
3. I will translate this article for you.
4. If Tomy is late again, our teacher will be very angry.
5. Please sit down here John. I will make you a hot cup of tea.
6. When I grow up, I will be an astronaut.
7. I will turn the AC on, because the weather is so hot.
8. I will go to bed after I finish my homework.
9. I will probably watch TV for a little while, then I will go to bed.
10. If you cheat on your friend’s work, I will tell your teacher.

jadikan jawaban terbaik, terimakasih☺️


1. we will go to to the beach

2. I will go study tonight

3. my family will go to villa tomorrow

4. my sister will go to school

5. today I will buy some laptop

6. my friend and I will watch some film in cinema

7. today I will get some exam

8. I will be the best

9. my father will go to sidney tomorrow

10. I am very very happy because I will get some chocolate
