Tuliskan 5 contoh kalimat future tense (going to) dengan kata sifat, positif, negative, introgative
+ I am going to eat
– I am not going to eat
? Am I going to eat?
+ We are going to keep running far away
– We aren't going to keep running far away
? Are we going to keep running far away?
+ I will going to Malang
– I will not going to Malang
? Will I going to Malang?
+ I am going to Monas, tomorrow
– I am not going to Monas, tomorrow
? Am I going to Monas, tomorrow?
+ You are going to play basketball, next week
- You are not going to play basketball, next week
? Are you going to play basketball, next week?
Im going to indonesia
im going to eat today
im going to do some exersize
im going to poop
im going to have sex
im going to rape people
im going to kill somebode
im going to get a girl freand