Tuliskan 5 future perfect tense beserta artinya

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Tuliskan 5 future perfect tense beserta artinya


1. My family will have lived in Bandar Lampung before October next year.

(keluarga ku akan telah pindah di Bandar Lampung sebelum bulang Oktober tahun depan)

2. I will have finished my homework by the time the Stand Up Comedy Academy starts.

(Aku akan telah menyelesaikan Pekerjaan Rumah ku tepat ketika Stand Up Comedy Academy dimulai)

3. My uncle will given my youngest sister a lot of money before he leave us.

(Paman ku akan telah memberikan saudara perempuan termuda ku banyak uang sebelum ia meninggalkan kami)

4. My father will have left Bandung by ten o'clock

(Ayah ku akan telah meninggalkan bandung tepat pukul 10).

5. The class will have moved to third floor before the subjet starts.

(Kelas akan telah pindah ke lantai tiga sebelum pelajaran dimulai)