Tuliskan cerita dalam bahasa inggrisdibantu ya :) ​

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Tuliskan cerita dalam bahasa inggrisdibantu ya 🙂 ​


Once in a major timeline, there was a newborn child in the town Helvy. His name was George, specifically George Bill. He was born in Town Helvy in the year 1940. Technology back there was very unbearable to human kind. Just a fact that he's alergic to trees for terms of "Texture". So if he had to go out on a trip with their family, he would completeley disturb the trip just because they go into forests. And the reason why they went to the forest is because they live in the middle of a "Forest Biome". So normally after trips he likes to go swimming in the lake near the town; just because it was very hot everytime they come home again. But George would only do that in specific times just because it wouldn't be really that neccessary going swimming in a lake in the middle of the winter, he would be an ice cube if it was like that. So George loves to do everything in town, such as: Swimming, Selling, Talking, Eating, Building small objects and etc. But the subject where he is COMPLETELY AMUSED is when he goes fishing! You people would say "Hey but fishing is boring for us in the Modern Days!". Yes that is true but that's the only way to survive if you live in the middle of a forest biome in such a hot summer day inside a town. So he really loves fishing as you guys all heard. But there's one thing that is tricky for George to do when fishing is that when he catches big fish such as the Ocean Sunfish with the bionomial name of Mola Mola. That fish is specfically rare and only comes in in specific Seasons. They locally go out on summer which is the current season in Town Helvy. But as you guys may do a research about Mola Mola or the Ocean Sunfish, it might be "too" huge to be expected. So they would need around 10 people on a big wooden boat. They would use long sticks to see if the fish would hit the stick. And if it does the people would throw the net down and play a game where they pull 1 rope connected to the net against the Sunfish. After that they would have a HUGE feast eating the huge Sunfish. Since there were only 1000 people in the Town, it wouldn't take that long to finish the whole entire fish. And so George and they're parents when to the forest again to explore some more, George mostly explores Caves and Holes. And the weirdest thing that would ever notice is that there are no wild animals such as bears and wolves in the forest! And so they could explore deeper into the woods. The End


Jawaban: one day….

heemmm …. Pr about your idol? Who is this? thirsty. Uh dad is still working. What are you doing? you know Azra? Dad is at work. It's late, why are you still working? because there is a meeting tomorrow, Dad is preparing it. oh … Then why aren't you sleeping yet? Azra just finished studying, had a drink earlier. Smart kid, go to sleep right away! yeah yeah. The next morning … let's go to Ra's canteen? Okay. Pr about your idol already please! who is your idol? Bartolomeo Cristofon, he invented the first piano. Very inspiring! If you are, Ra? heemm … I honestly don't know who yet. Why, not yet? Yes, I'm confused, here. at Azra's house … It's raining so hard. Yes, dad's not home yet. I hope dad is all right. knock! knock! knock! Ah, it must be Dad! Dad … Huh ?! Jdwrrr …. Huwaaa !!! Hey this is dad, why are you screaming? Oh dad …? Thank goodness, dad is home. Sorry for being late, father's motorbike broke down … it was flooded! it's raining hard, huh. But thank goodness dad is fine. The next day … Where are you mom? Father has a fever. Maybe because of the rain yesterday. I see … Dad worked so hard for the family. Okay kids, the writing about your idol will be read out during the report card distribution. Don't forget to submit the invitation letter to your parents, OK! Ouch … I'm still confused, who is my idol. Ah! I think I have an idea! Alhamdulillah … finished too! Please Azra to the front! Cheer up Azra !!! My father is my idol! Eh? He always works hard for the family he loves. Even if it's raining or hot, dad is always working hard! Thank you dad. You are my inspiration and I always love you! Azra …. Very good Azra, please sit back! I was so cool at the front! thank you, dad is also really cool for working hard day and night! ah, hahaha …. So embarrassed, Daddy buy me a meal, deh!

Penjelasan: pada suatu hari….

heemmm…. Pr tentang idolamu? siapa ya? haus nih. Eh ayah masih kerja. Ayah sedang apa? lho Azra? Ayah sedang bekerja. Sudah malam kok masih kerja, yah? karena besok ada rapat, Ayah sedang menyiapkannya. oh… Lalu kenapa kamu belum tidur? Azra baru selesai belajar, tadi ambil minum. Anak pintar, langsung tidur ya! iya yah. Esok paginya… yuk kekantin Ra? oke. Pr soal idolamu sudah sudah dong! siapa idolamu? Bartolomeo Cristofon, dia penemu piano pertama. Sangat inspiratif! Kalau kamu siapa, Ra? heemm… Sejujurnya aku belum tahu siapa, sih. Lho, belum toh? Iya, aku bingung, nih. di rumah Azra… Hujannya deras sekali. Iya, ayah juga belum pulang. Semoga ayah baik-baik saja. tok! tok! tok! Ah, itu pasti Ayah! Ayah… Hah?! Jdwrrr…. Huwaaa!!! Hei ini ayah, kok teriak? Oh Ayah…? Syukurlah, ayah sudah pulang. Maaf telat, motor ayah mogok… kena banjir! hujan deras sih, ya. Tapi syukurlah ayah baik-baik saja. Keesokan harinya… Ayah mana bu? Ayah demam. Mungkin karena kehujanan kemarin. Oh begitu… Ayah bekerja keras sekali demi keluarga. Oke anak-anak, tulisan tentang idola kalian akan dibacakan saat pembagian rapor. jangan lupa serahkan surat undangan ke orang tua kalian, ya! Aduh… aku masih bingung nih, siapa idolaku. Ah! Sepertinya, aku punya ide! Alhamdulillah… selesai jugaaa! Silahkan Azra ke depan! Semangat Azra!!! Ayahku adalah idolaku! Eh? Dia selalu bekerja keras demi keluarga yang dicintainya. walaupun hujan atau panas, ayah selalu rajin bekerja! Terimakasih Ayah kaulah inspirasi ku dan aku selalu memcintaimu! Azra…. Bagus sekali Azra, silahkan duduk kembali! ku keren sekali saat di depan tadi! makasih, Ayah juga keren banget karena sudah bekerja keras siang malam! ah, hahaha…. Jadi malu, Ayah traktir makan, deh!