Tuliskan contoh surat kuasa bahasa inggris ?

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Tuliskan contoh surat kuasa bahasa inggris ?

 or sealed by the trustor personally :
Name              : Mr.Fajri Muhammad M.M
Profession      : Head of  Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi (STIE) Persatuan
Addres            : Jl. Kranggan No 10 Sidoarjo
I hereby give complete authority regarding applications to my representative (trustee),
indicated below :
Mr. Duta Wijaya, M.H as the advocate in DJAENAL ACHMAD, SH. & PARTNERS Firm at Jl. Nginden Gang Masjid No 5, Phone : 085768495555 to acting Alone or Collective
In order to and on behalf of the trustor to submit the summon on Sidoarjo District Court concerning the private case based on registered case No. 56/PDT.G/2005/PNYKConcern to the statement, the trustee has authority to attend the court and other judicative body, submit the require request, running the action, or giving the information which legally acted or given by trustee, receive and signing the bill, receive and commit the payment in this case.This letter of attorney is followed with substitution rights to other person on behalf or all.

I am who made this letter of attorney and signed below:
Name : Arianda Novian Rahman
Job : Director of PT. SEMAR KANDHAS
Address: Jl. Kauman No. 12 Mojokerto, East Java.

Explained, that the existence of this letter, I gave the power to:
Name : Andhini Rahmat Hasani
Job : Counsellor
Address: Jl. Trunojoyo No. 41 Pacet, Mojokerto.

represent and/or act on behalf of me, Mr. Arianda, in terms of handle
project delivery clove exports to India till I come back to the company,
because I have to deal with other projects that cause I could not stay
in Indonesia for a while.Thus this Latter of Attorney is made, to be
used as appropriate.

Mojokerto, 11 Maret 2011
Endorsee, Endorser

,(Paste stamp slightly to the left)
(Andhini Rahmat Hasani) (Arianda Novian Rahman)