Tuliskan pidato bahasa inggris bertemakan teknologi pendidikan serta artinya

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Tuliskan pidato bahasa inggris bertemakan teknologi pendidikan serta artinya

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb
First of all, let
us say our gratitude to the Almighty for abundance of mercies so that we
can do our daily activities. The honorable juries, judges, all
respectable comittee of the speech contest, and all audiences. Allow me
to present my speech entitled “Technology implementations and its effect
toward achievement”. To begin with, let me tell you my identity. My
name is Ratri Hening Pahayu. I am now at the first year and a
representative of Senior High School State 3 Metro.

Distinguished audiences.
The development of
information technology has been increasing in massive scale recently.
People are really spoiled and turn to be watchers than doers. Physical
and brain exercise are no longer frequent as they used to be. In
relation with  learning, these facilities provide learners many
resources to building knowledge, skill, and eventually getting higher
achievement. Is it true?

Respectable Audiences
Let me elaborate.
Various technologies deliver different kinds of content and serve
different purposes in the classroom. For example, word processing and
e-mail promote communication skills; database and spreadsheet programs
promote organizational skills; and modeling software promotes the
understanding of science and math concepts. It is important to consider
how these electronic technologies differ and what characteristics make
them important as vehicles for education.

Brothers and sisters
Each technology is
likely to play a different role in students' learning. The kind of
technologies are being used in the classroom, for what purposes, and how
to use it in order to achieve learning objectives should be considered
wisely and thoroughly. Research indicates that information technology
can help support learning and is especially useful in developing the
higher-order skills of critical thinking, analysis, and scientific
inquiry "by engaging students in authentic, complex tasks within
collaborative learning contexts". That’s true.

My fellow contestants
The problem we
found, there are many teachers have used the availability of information
technology facilities as their absence replacement. Teachers entrust
learning process of students to some instruments considered sufficient
to help. This when things go wrong. Teachers neglect their role to lead
humanly learning process which is the most important thing to promote
meaningfull learning.

Ladies and Gentlemen
Let me come to
conclusion of this speech. Students can learn "from" computers—where
technology used essentially as tutors and serves to increase students
basic skills and knowledge but the interaction with the teachers will
maintain humanity and meaningfullness of learning itself. Technology
implementations will have no significant effect toward achivement when
they lack of teachers’presentce. It is so because they are just machine
and we are living organism. To be meaningful is a sign of living
organism get impressed. Technology implementations in intructional
process need to walk side by side with teachers’presence. It’s nice to
have your attention, that would be all, and thank you.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.