Tuliskan present perfect tense, past perfect tense, and future perfect tense using the following words

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1. prepare
2. estabilish
3. camel
4. graduate
5. speak
6. driven
7. attend
8. glass
9. stay
10. meat​

Tuliskan present perfect tense, past perfect tense, and future perfect tense using the following words


Kalimat positif:

She would have been there if you had invited her. / Dia akan ada di sana kalau kamu mengundangnya.

We would have finished the project if you hadn’t been late. / Kita akan menyelesaikan proyeknya kalau kamu tidak terlambat.

I should have bought the album last night. / Aku seharusnya membeli albumnya tadi malam.

The students should have submitted the assignment if they hadn't been busy preparing for their performance. / Para siswa seharusnya mengumpulkan tugasnya jika mereka tidak sibuk mempersiapkan penampilan mereka.

If they had given me a chance, I would have expressed my opinion. / Kalau mereka memberiku kesempatan, aku akan mengungkapkan pendapatku.

The competition should have been held last week. / Kompetisinya seharusnya digelar minggu lalu.

My family would have visited the museum if it hadn’t rained. / Keluargaku akan mengunjungi museum kalau saja tidak hujan.

Baca juga: Past Future Tense

Kalimat negatif:

We would not have come if you had been busy. / Kami tidak akan datang jika kamu sibuk.

He would not have picked you up if you had called him before. / Dia tidak akan menjemputmu kalau kamu menelepon dia sebelumnya.

I shouldn’t have stayed up late yesterday. / Aku seharusnya tidak begadang kemarin.

My mother would not have bought me new phone if I had found the old one. / Ibuku tidak akan membelikanku ponsel baru kalau aku menemukan yang lama.

I thought you would not have sent the email by the time I called you. / Aku pikir kamu tidak akan mengirim email pada saat aku meneleponmu.

They shouldn’t have brought many snacks yesterday because I prepared foods and drinks. / Mereka tidak seharusnya membawa banyak camilan kemarin karena aku menyiapkan makanan dan minuman.

I wouldn’t have asked her out if she had had a lot of assignments. / Aku tidak akan mengajaknya pergi kalau dia punya banyak tugas.

Baca juga: Contoh Kalimat Simple Past Future Tense

Kalimat tanya:

Would you have cleaned your room if your mother had told you to? / Apakah kamu akan membersihkan kamarmu kalau ibumu menyuruhmu?

Would they have come if we had asked them? / Apakah mereka akan datang jika kita meminta mereka?

Would Sari have finished the report if the client had called her? / Apakah Sari akan menyelesaikan laporannya jika kliennya meneleponnya?

Would your brother picked you up yesterday? / Akankah kakakmu menjemputmu kemarin?

Should we have told their parents by then? / Haruskah kita memberitahu orangtua mereka saat itu?

Would they have cooked chicken soup if we had bought the chicken? / Apakah mereka akan memasak sup ayam jika kita membeli ayamnya?

Would you have arrived on time if I had given the ride? / Apakah kamu akan tiba tepat waktu jika aku memberikan tumpangan?
