Tuliskan sebuah pidato tentang pendidikan 8/2/3/4/terserah

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Tuliskan sebuah pidato tentang pendidikan 8/2/3/4/terserah

-the honorable,the headmaster of …………………………..(sekolah dan nama sekolah
-the honorable ,the vice headmaster of ……………….(sama seperti yang pertama)
-the honorable,the teaching and administration staff of ………..(sama juga)

all prasies be to …..(tuhan),the lord of the universe,only hom do we worship and ask for help.may praises ang blesses be upon the noblest man,our propher ……….(nabi),along with his families.

I'd like to express my spesial thanks to the MC who has given me the times to deliver a speech before you all about "learning to speak engliah"


to learn to speak a foreign language well, a studenr must not be afraid of making mistakes.language is for communicatin,the mistakes are the secondary consideration.while you are communicating,you will realize your mistakes.you can use these mistakes to improve your communicative skills. the way you say something way be differenrent from what a native speaker says,but do not care of it too much.that is the way you learn something .if you never practice your english,it means you never learn english:in short,you will never be able to speak good english.so ifwe want to be able to speak english well keep practicing.


I think that is all for today,thank you very much for you attention.see you in another time.bye