Turn this active voice into passive voice!

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1. the boy was throwing the stone.
2. nobody was watching tv.
3. the women were cleaning all the blinds.
4. the chef wasn't cooking the meat.
5. they were watching the newest videos.
6. why were the picking the flowers?
7. what was he writing on the desk?
8. they were discussing exchange rates at 7 o'clock this morning.
9. i was repairing their bikes.
10. we were not painting the gate.​

Turn this active voice into passive voice!


1. The stone was being thrown by the boy

2. TV was being watched by nobody

3. All the blinds was being cleaned by the women

4. The meat wasn't being cooked by the chef

5. The newest videos was being watched by them

6. Why the flower was being picked by (subjek tidak ada)

7. What on the desk was being written by him?

8. Exchange rates was being discussed by them at 7 o'clock this morning

9. Their bikes was being repaired by me

10. The gate wasn't painted by us


Untuk mengubah active to passive perlu diperhatikan kalimatnya terlebih dahulu, menggunakan grammar yabg mana. Karena, setiap grammar memiliki rumus yang berbeda untuk mengubahnya menjadi passive voice.

Untuk kalimat di atas, menggunakan past tense.

Rumus past tense passive voice:

O+was being+V3+S+Ket

Semoga membantu
