Ubah ke dalam bentuk past tense, past continuous!!bntuin kakkk!​

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Ubah ke dalam bentuk past tense, past continuous!!bntuin kakkk!​

Ubah ke dalam bentuk past tense, past continuous!!bntuin kakkk!​

Past Tense ;

1. My father stayed in this city for two years
2. All of us slept soon
3. I waited for you in the restaurant
4. Many students did their homeworks seriously
5. We visited that museum several times
6. Someone cleaned the blackboard
7. Did you write the questions?
8. Mr. Hasyim lived here with his family
9. They played tennis seriously
10. Mr. and Mrs. Rusdi talked about this matter for over a week

Past Continuous ;

1. My father was staying in this city for two years
2. All of us were sleeping soon
3. I was waiting for you in the restaurant
4. Many students were doing their homeworks seriously
5. We were visiting that museum several times
6. Someone was cleaning the blackboard
7. Were you writing the questions?
8. Mr. Hasyim was living here with his family
9. They were playing tennis seriously
10. Mr. and Mrs. Rusdi were talking about this matter for over a week

intinya kalau Past Tense itu Future Tense nya dijadiin Past, for example seperti “do” dijadikan “did”,

kalau Past Continuous kata pertamanya itu Past tapi selanjutnya Future karena kata selanjutnya akan mengikuti kata pertama nya seperti contohnya “They were talking”

maaf kalau ada banyak salah dan semoga bermanfaat! ^_^