1. I am warned not to go there by that man
2.two of her teeth have been pulled out by the dentist
Ubah ke kalimat aktif
Jawab :
1. The man warn me not to go there.
2. The dentist has pulled out two of her teeth.
Pembahasan :
Untuk mengubah passive menjadi aktif,
•-• menukar kedudukan subjek dikalimat passive menjadi objek dikalimat passive, begitu pula sebaliknya.
•-• pada kalimat passive selalu menggunakan rumus be + V3.
•-• mengetahui tenses yang digunakan.
1) I 'am warned' not to go there by the man.(simple present)
Passive : S + is/am/are + V3 + by + O
Active : S + V1 + O
=> The man warn me not to go there.
2) Two of her teeth 'have been' pulled out by the dentist.(simple present perfect)
Passive : S + have/has + been + V3 + by + O
Active : S + have/has + V3 + O
= The dentist has pulled out two of her teeth.
Semoga membantu 🙂
Mapel : Bahasa Inggris
Materi : Passive Voice
1). I am warned not to go there by that man. (SIMPLE PRESENT)
Active :
That man warns me not to go there.
Rumus active :
Subject + V1 (s/es) + object/complement
Nah, karena subject nya adalah "That man" maka kata kerjanya ada tambahan "s"
2). Two of her teeth have been pulled out by the dentist. (Present perfect)
Active :
The dentist has pulled out two of her teeth
Rumus :
Subject + have/has + V3 + object/complement
Nah, karena subject nya "the dentist" maka menggunakan auxiliary verb "has".