Ubah lah ke kata passive voise

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1.this house …(build)n in 1970 by my grandfather
2.the robber…(arrest)by the police
3.a party will…(held)by iwan
jawab plisss

Ubah lah ke kata passive voise

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi


  1. This house WAS BUILT in 1970 by my grandfather
  2. The robber IS ARRESTED by the police
  3. A party will be hold by iwan


Active Voice

  • Kalimat aktif yang Subjeknya melakukan aksi dalam kalimatnya

Passive Voice

  • Kalimat pasif yang Objeknya diberikan aksi oleh subjek dalam kalimatnya

Pola Passive

  • Be + V3

Passive – Past Tense

(+) S + was/were + V3 + By

1.this house WAS BUILT in 1970 by my grandfather

Passive – Present Tense

(+) S + is/am/are + V3 + By

2.the robber IS ARRESTED by the police

Passive – Future Tense

(+) S + will + be + V3 + By

3.a party will be hold by iwan

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Passive Voice:


  • Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
  • Materi: Passive Voice
  • Level: SHS
  • Kode Soal: 5
  • Kode Kategorisasi: 11.5

Kata Kunci: Active Voice, Passive Voice, Past Tense, Present Tense, Future Tense