Ubahkah kata kerja dalam kurung dalam bentuk simple past tense, pergunakanlah kamus jika diperlukan!

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Dear Sinta, 1 I…. (hear)…. that your essay 2 … (win) …. first place in the national competition. Congratulation! I know how strongly you 3 …. (feel).. abaout the issue, and how long you 4 …. (work) …. on developing your arguments. You are good example of how commitment and hard work pay off.

I must compliment you on getting your bachelor’s degree this year. Someone5 … (tell) … me that you 6 … (complete) …. your study less than 3 years. He also 7… (say) … t hat you 8 ….. (be) ….. in your class.​

Ubahkah kata kerja dalam kurung dalam bentuk simple past tense, pergunakanlah kamus jika diperlukan!


1. heard

2. won

3. felt

4. worked

5. told

6. completed

7. said

8. were

maaf ya kalau salah