Ubahlah menjadi kalimat pasif!

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1. The sailors catch some fishes on the sea every summer.
2. Mr. Simon feeds a zebra in the zoo every afternoon.
3. Father always drinks a cup of coffee every morning.
4. Sinta waters her plants every afternoon.
5. Children like Boboiboy film.

Tolong ya

Ubahlah menjadi kalimat pasif!


1.Some fishes are caught by the sailors (them) on the sea. —

=ikan-ikan ditangkap oleh para pelayar (mereka) di laut.

2.A zebra is fed by Mr. Simon (him) in the zoo every afternoon.—-

=zebra diberi makan oleh tuan simon (dia) di kebun binatang setiap sore.

3.A cup of coffee is drunk by father (him) every morning. —-

=secangkir kopi diminum oleh ayah (dia)setiap pagi.

4.Her plants are watered by Sinta (her) every afternoon. —–

=Tanamannya disirami oleh sinta (dia) setiap sore.

5.Boboiboy is liked by children (them).—-

=Boboiboy disukai oleh anak-anak (mereka)


predikat kt kerja pasif : to be + verb 3

-smg mMbntu-