Unauthorized vehicles parkerd in designated accesible spaces not displaying distinguishing placards or special license plates issued for people with disabilities will be away at the owner’s expense. 6).where can we find such a notice? A). on the road side. B). in apolice station. C).in front of an office. D). in a parking lot. 7).what will happen if a disable driver parks his car there? A). his car will be towed away. B). the police will send him a traffic ticket. C). nothing happesns to his car or himself. D).he is responsible for the risk of damage.

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8).unauthiruzed vehicles will be towed… the owners must pay a sum of money.
A). or
B). so
C). but
D). and

"minta tolong"

Unauthorized vehicles parkerd in designated accesible spaces not displaying distinguishing placards or special license plates issued for people with disabilities will be away at the owner’s expense. 6).where can we find such a notice? A). on the road side. B). in apolice station. C).in front of an office. D). in a parking lot. 7).what will happen if a disable driver parks his car there? A). his car will be towed away. B). the police will send him a traffic ticket. C). nothing happesns to his car or himself. D).he is responsible for the risk of damage.

1  D. In The Parking Lot

2 C. Nothing Happens to his/her car

3 D.And