untuk tugasnya buat ringkasan materi tentang perbedaan penggunaan should + verb 1 , should+be+verb ing , should+have+verb3, must dan have to. sertakan dgn masing-masing 5 contoh kalimatnya.​

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untuk tugasnya buat ringkasan materi tentang perbedaan penggunaan should + verb 1 , should+be+verb ing , should+have+verb3, must dan have to. sertakan dgn masing-masing 5 contoh kalimatnya.​


should + v1 digunakan saat offering advice or opinions or recommendations ,probability, prediction, expectation, obligation, duty, :


-You should see the new James Bond movie. It's great!

-You should try to lose weight.

-John should get a haircut.

-He should not smoke. And he should stop drinking too.

-What should I wear?

should + be + v ing itu pas not fulfilling an obligation


-You should be wearing your seatbelt. (The person isn't wearing one right now)

-We should be studying for the test. (We are not studying right now and we should)

should + have + v3 itu klo was expected in the past but didn't happen

exp =

-You should have given your boss the report yesterday when he asked for it.

-I should have studied more but I was too tired.

sisa cthny cr sndr y

btw ini dr gugel ☺︎