Very interesting

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very good
very nice
very unique

Kortiko Bogos, have you watched angklung performance in Holly
Bagas Yeoh, I have watched it. Hove you seen it, too?
Kortiko: Yeah. I think the performance wos (1)
Bagos lagree with you. The musical arrangement was very good. Also
players played Angklung (3)
Kartika Who other performances have you watched?
Bagas Oh, I also watched kolintang and keroncong performances
Kortiko: I watched them, too. For the kolintang performance. I think
because the players only use one
Instrument to create such a beautiful music.
Bagos logree with you. The music sounded (4)
I also like the keroncong performance. I think the singer's
because she song with a very deep cong
and the accompaniment music was (6)​

Very interesting


1. very good

2. very unique

3. very nice

4. very interesting

semoga membantu, maaf jika ada kesalahan (•‿•)


1. very good

3. very uniqe

4. very interesting

6. very nice


maaf kalo salah 🙂