Waktu libur dirumah saja saya suka membantu orang tua seperti mencuci piring, mencuci baju,menyapu,mengepel dan memasak.Saya juga suka belajar.Plissss bantu kak pake bahasa Inggris

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Waktu libur dirumah saja saya suka membantu orang tua seperti mencuci piring, mencuci baju,menyapu,mengepel dan memasak.Saya juga suka belajar.Plissss bantu kak pake bahasa Inggris


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When I was free at home, I would help my parents with such things as washing dishes, washing clothes, sweeping, mopping, and cooking. I also liked to study.

Smg membantu.


When the holyday, when stay at home, i have spend the time with help my parent to whased the plate, whased the clothes, swept the floor, cleaned it and also cooked, after that i am not forget to study doing my home work.


Smoga mbantu guysss