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Complete the following dialogs with suitable progressive verbs in brackets.
Practice the dialogs with your friend and record your performance.
Dialog 1
Lina : [1. modify]
your robot, Eko?
Eko : Yeah, I plan to enter a robotic competition next month.
Lina : Great! Which part [2. work on)
Eko : 1[3. add]
the battery slot now. I hope the robot will work longer.
Lina : Its arms are different, too. They look stronger.
Eko : Yeah. I reinforce the arms, too.
Dialog 2
Fendi : Hi, Delia. [4. relax]
Delia : Not really. I [5. check)
the music composition I've just made.
Fendi : You mean, [6. listen to]
your creation now? Wow, it's cool!
How did you make it?
Delia : I used a new music application on my smartphone.
Fendi : I like it! We can use it for our next video.
Delia : [7. film)
one now? We can try to use it for the background
Fendi : All right. Let's try.
Dialog 3
Kinar : Morning, Edo. Are you going to jog?
Edo : Hi, Kinar. Nope. I [8. head]
to the skate area.
Kinar : Is there an event there?
: Don't you remember? Wisnu (9. compete]
at the moment.
Kinar : Is it today? I totally forgot. Let's go there.
Edo : O.K. I think Randy and Cindy [10. wait]
for us there.​



Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Future Continuous Tense merupakan suatu bentuk kata kerja  yang umumnya juga dikenal dengan future progressive tense. Bentuk kata kerja ini menerangkan suatu kejadian  yang akan terjadi di masa yang akan datang dan terus berlangsung untuk beberapa waktu kemudian.

  1. Are you going to modify your Robot, Eko?
  2. Great!, Which part are you going to work on it?
  3. I will add the battery slot now. I hope the robot will work longer.
  4. Hi Delia, are you relaxing?
  5. Not really, I'm checking the music composition I've just made.
  6. You mean, you're listening to  your creation now?
  7. Are you filming one now?
  8. Hi Kinar. Nope. I'm heading to the skate area.
  9. Don't you remember? Wisnu is competing at the moment.
  10. O.K. I think Randy and Cindy are waiting for us there.


Future Continuous Tense Menggambarkan tentang kegiatan yang akan atau masih dilakukan pada satu waktu di masa depan dengan keterangan waktu yang spesifik dan jelas.

Rumus Future Continuous (+):

Subject + will/shall + be +verb-ing.

Contoh: My Mother will be staying with my brother for a week.

Rumus Future Continuous (-):

Subject + will/shall + not + be + verb ing + adverb of time

Contoh: My Mother will not be staying with my brother for a week.

Rumus Future Continuous (?):

will /shall+ subject + be + verb-ing + adverb if time

Contoh: Will My Mother be staying with my brother for a week?

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut:

Untuk lebih jelas mengenai Future Continous tense, dapat disimak melalui link berikut: brainly.co.id/tugas/19696694
