We will spell the words and use the punctuation marks correctly. We will say the words loudly, clearly, and correctly. If we have any problems, we will go to our teacher for help. There are five people in my family: my father or my dad, my mother or my mom, my elder brother, my little sister and myself . My father is Mr. Rajali. He’s a teacher. My mother is Mrs. Kurnia She’s a nurse. My big brother is Hasan. He is a student of SMA Perjuangan. My little sister is Raka Shesis stali kindergarten or indy There are five people in my family my father or my dad, my mother or my mom. my younger sister, my little brother and myself . My father is Mr. Henry. He’s a farmer. My mother is Mrs. Yulia. She’s a housewife, My younger sister is Elsa She is a student of SD Bunga Menur. My little brother, Erick, does not go to kindy yet. Hes in playgroup​

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We will spell the words and use the punctuation marks correctly. We will say the words loudly, clearly, and correctly. If we have any problems, we will go to our teacher for help. There are five people in my family: my father or my dad, my mother or my mom, my elder brother, my little sister and myself . My father is Mr. Rajali. He’s a teacher. My mother is Mrs. Kurnia She’s a nurse. My big brother is Hasan. He is a student of SMA Perjuangan. My little sister is Raka Shesis stali kindergarten or indy There are five people in my family my father or my dad, my mother or my mom. my younger sister, my little brother and myself . My father is Mr. Henry. He’s a farmer. My mother is Mrs. Yulia. She’s a housewife, My younger sister is Elsa She is a student of SD Bunga Menur. My little brother, Erick, does not go to kindy yet. Hes in playgroup​


Kami akan mengeja kata-kata dan menggunakan tanda baca dengan benar. Kami akan mengucapkan kata-kata dengan keras, jelas, dan benar. Jika kita memiliki masalah, kita akan pergi ke guru kami untuk membantu. Ada lima orang di keluarga saya: ayah saya atau ayah saya, ibu saya atau ibu saya, kakak laki-laki saya, adik perempuan saya dan saya sendiri. Ayah saya adalah Pak Rajali. Dia seorang guru. Ibuku adalah Ny. Kurnia Dia seorang perawat. Kakak laki-laki saya adalah Hasan. Ia adalah siswa SMA Perjuangan. Adik perempuan saya adalah Raka Shesis stali TK atau indy Ada lima orang di keluarga saya ayah saya atau ayah saya, ibu saya atau ibu saya. adik perempuan saya, adik laki-laki saya dan saya sendiri. Ayah saya adalah Pak Henry. Dia seorang petani. Ibuku adalah Bu Yulia. Dia ibu rumah tangga, Adikku Elsa Dia murid SD Bunga Menur. Adikku, Erick, belum pergi ke kindy. Dia di playgroup