What are the advantage and disadvantaged of Marxism? You can answer it in Indonesia. I really grateful if u guys wanna answer it. Thank youu very much. ​

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What are the advantage and disadvantaged of Marxism? You can answer it in Indonesia. I really grateful if u guys wanna answer it. Thank youu very much. ​

Kelebihan Ideologi Marxisme

Teori Marxisme membahas dengan lengkap aspek aspek yang terdapat dalam sebuah fenomena konflik, mulai dari penyebab sebuah konflik, kelompok kelompok yang berkonflik, perkembangan konflik itu sendiri, penyelesaian konflik, sampai kepada perkembanagan didalam masyarakat pasca penyelesaian konflik

kekurangan ideologi marxisme

Ajaran Marxis tidak mampu melakukan upaya revolusi, seharusnya dapat melakukan perubahan dengan sewajarnya secara kecil-kecilan melalui reformasi.


The Advantages of Marxist Ideology

The theory of Marxism fully discusses the aspects contained in a conflict phenomenon, ranging from the causes of a conflict, conflicting groups, the development of the conflict itself, conflict resolution, to developments in society after conflict resolution.

lack of Marxist ideology

Marxist teaching is not capable of carrying out revolutionary efforts, it should be able to make changes properly on a small scale through reform.