What are the rules of hompimpa game

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What are the rules of hompimpa game


Hompimpa' can only be done by a minimum of three participants. The way to do this is to say 'Hompimpa alaium gambreng' together. Simultaneously, each participant's hand is swung up and down and left and right simultaneously.

artinya Hompimpa' hanya bisa dilakukan minimal oleh tiga orang peserta. Cara melakukannya yaitu dengan mengucapkan 'Hompimpa alaium gambreng' secara bersama-sama. Bersamaan dengan itu, masing-masing tangan peserta diayunkan ke atas-bawah dan ke kanan-kiri secara bersama-sama pula.


Minimum of three

Rule of play:

Hompimpa is a way to determine turn in a game by using palm of hands. It is done by a minimum of three players. If there are only two players, the draw is done by doing the fingers counting.