What causes global warming and the effect of global warming

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What causes global warming and the effect of global warming

What causes global warming and the effect of global warming

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

1. Increased Greenhouse Gases:
2. Use of CFCs Not Controlled
3.Polusi gasoline-fueled vehicles
4, Methane Pollution by agriculture, horticulture, and Livestock
5. The destruction of forests:
6. Electrical Energy Pemboroson
7. Vehicle Population Rising:
8. Combustion Waste Overrated
Translate of indonesian
1. Meningkatnya Gas Rumah Kaca : 2. Penggunaan CFC yang Tidak Terkontrol  3.Polusi Kendaraan berbahan bakar bensin 4, Polusi Metana oleh Pertanian, Perkebunan, dan Peternakan5. Pengrusakan Hutan :6. Pemboroson Energi Listrik 7. Populasi Kendaraan yang Terus Meningkat : 8. Pembakaran Sampah Secara Berlebihan