what do you think of madame loisel? do you know anyone who has the same personality as madame loisel? how are they alike? please describe

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what do you think of madame loisel? do you know anyone who has the same personality as madame loisel? how are they alike? please describe

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Ungrateful person, she could not overcome her greed and asking for more without ever be thankful of what she already has. Mathilde has been blessed with physical beauty but not with the affluent
lifestyle she yearns for, and she feels deeply discontented with her
lot in life. When she prepares to attend a fancy party, she borrows a
diamond necklace from her friend Madame Forestier, then loses the
necklace and must work for ten years to pay off a replacement. Her one
night of radiance cost her and Monsieur Loisel any chance for future